Health & Safety

Important COVID Notice

All volunteer work needs to follow government guidance on social distancing and maintaining biosecurity.  We ask all members to act responsibly during these exceptional times.

This is a moving situation, but you may want to read and take note of guidance issued by the Badger Trust and government guidance for those working with wildlife.


Note that wildlife rescue and badger vaccination  are classed as 'key work' during the pandemic. Our volunteer protocols have been updated to reflect current best practice. We thank our volunteers, local wildlife hospitals, rescue services and veterinary practices for their continued support !


If you are watching, monitoring or feeding badgers be aware that there is a risk of spreading COVID into wildlife. You should take appropriate precautions to minimise the risk. This includes trying to keep at least 2 metres away from occupied setts when surveying them. If you have to get closer wear a mask. Maintaining good hygiene measures will protect you as well as the badgers !


Please follow any new or changed government guidance or further restrictions.

Health & Safety Policy

Oxfordshire Badger Group  volunteers are asked to read our Health and Safety policy and the HSE  poster. Our volunteer protocols and risk assessments give more detailed advice for keeping safe during specific fieldwork activities.  Check our MEMBERS pages for info.


Do contact us if you have any suggestions or concerns about your safety or that of others when volunteering.