July vaccination report

Badger vaccination clinic drawing by artist  Becci Cooper
Badger vaccination clinic drawing by artist Becci Cooper

Our latest Round of badger vaccination took place during some of the hottest temperatures on record.

Luckily for the badgers on the farms and other lands, we were working on during this time they all had access to nearby freshwater sources.
If your local badgers don’t, or the water source has dried up, please put down a shallow dish of water, you could save a life.


Once again, a big thank you to all our volunteers who continued to go out each evening to check on the badgers and put food down for them.


We were fortunate that by the vaccination weekend, the weather had dropped 10 degrees making it much more comfortable for badgers and volunteers alike.


Another successful Round, which we couldn't do without the financial help from the public - Thank you.
