Neighbouring Badger Groups

For a list of all affiliated badger groups visit

Badger links

Site link Description
Appleton Wildlife Diary Local wildlife photography blog by Alex White, a member of OBG
Badgerlands A loving, wealth of information about badgers and badger groups
Badger Trust Our 'parent' organisation, speaking up for & celebrating  badgers
Badger Watch Holidays Sibford Gower mobile home hire with floodlit sett watching at 3 heated hides
Daniel Belton photography Dans' photos of badgers on Flickr are exceptional & he uses the showcase to oppose the Cull
Sam Cannon Art Artist living in Dorset who supplies our lovely badger card art
RSPCA Badger page Good for information about living with badgers
Scottish Badger Trust Authoritative resources and advice
Team Badger Coalition of national, local and grassroots animal and wildlife welfare organisations
 Wytham Woods  Oxford's own 'badgerlands' - run by Oxford University ecologists

OBG is listing those sites we visit frequently and enjoy.  This is by no means complete & we have not given links to the many badger groups that we partner. If you would like your site listed here please message us.